The Petersburg Jays 10U travel team participated in the Athens Warrior Classic over the July 4th Holiday weekend. The tournament format was a round robin with four teams participating. On Saturday the Jays defeated Chatham in the first game then played Athens in the afternoon. A steady sprinkle came down throughout the entire game but it did not disrupt the Jays play as they came away with the victory. Mother Nature did not cooperate as planned and the final game was postponed until Thursday July 7th. The Jays played Havana, the other 2-0 tournament team, for the title. Petersburg ended the tournament with an explosive five runs in the bottom of the last inning to claim the championship. Pictured from left to right are team members; Dane Jiannoni, Drew Atwater, Griffin Ames, Keagan Dale, Chad Nimmo, Kendall Davis, Krayton Reincke, Brady Kinney, Cael Cotner, Barrett Morse and Trace Donnan. Coaches are Kevin Donnan, Brad Kinney and Brad Ames.