VP of Soccer
Aaron Hart
Outdoor Soccer Information
Child must be 4 years old as of 1 September to participate (exceptions must be approved by VP of Soccer). Games are played on weekends, August through October, in Athens and surrounding towns. Transportation is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility. Pre-K/Kindergarten and 1st/2nd games are held on Saturday mornings; 3rd/4th and 5th/6th games are held on Sunday afternoons.
Outdoor Team Divisions
1st/2nd Grade
3rd/4th Grade
5th/6th Grade
All teams are co-ed
2024 AYSA REC Fall Soccer registration is now CLOSED.
Teams will be formed by mid to late July. Practices will start late July/early August. Games will start late August and end by mid October.
Please direct questions/concerns to: VP of Soccer, Aaron Hart at soccer@aysa.info.